The new Medical Education Building project replacing Berryhill Hall is underway with construction mobilization beginning this month and additional site perimeter construction fencing going up over the next several weeks.
The new Medical Education Building project replacing Berryhill Hall is underway with construction mobilization beginning this month and additional site perimeter construction fencing going up over the next several weeks.
The new Medical Education Building project replacing Berryhill Hall is underway with construction mobilization beginning this month and additional site perimeter construction fencing going up over the next several weeks. Initial activities will largely be inside the building—including continued salvage and preparation that began in the fall. However, you will start to see some exterior staging and utility work beginning. Building demolition visible from the exterior will begin in March.
The overall project is anticipated to complete in the summer of 2022. The new Medical Education Building will include over 170,000 gross square feet across 8 stories. It is planned with a 50-year vision to allow the medical student class size to grow within space that is both flexible and that provides state-of-the-art support for students to learn and thrive in our medical school.
Construction period perimeter fencing and pedestrian routes are illustrated below. Access to the Beach Café will be from the west (opposite Bondurant) and south sides (opposite Old Clinic). Pedestrian travel to and from the Bell Tower Deck and SOM buildings will be around the south side of Brinkhous Bullitt. Please note that next week, the bus service that stops in front of Bondurant will relocate to the existing bus stop in front of the HSL.
Please contact the School of Medicine Planning Office with questions or concerns (919-966-2441, or or UNC Construction Manager Chris Glenn (, 919-201-6649) at any time throughout the project.