he National Library of Medicine seeks applications for novel informatics and data science approaches that can help individuals gather, manage and use data and information about their personal health.
Limited Submissions Internal Call for Proposals: NIH Data Science Research- Personal Health Libraries for Consumers and Patients
UNC Internal deadline: 11:59PM, Monday, November 2, 2020
NIH LOI Deadline: December 17, 2020
NIH Full Proposal Deadline: January 17, 2021
Program Description: The National Library of Medicine seeks applications for novel informatics and data science approaches that can help individuals gather, manage and use data and information about their personal health. A goal of this program is to advance research and application by patients and the research community through broadly sharing the results via publication, and through open source mechanisms for data or resource sharing. Applicants must base their proposed work on an informed profile of the intended users, and, the work should be developed through interaction with the intended users. The strongest projects will provide approaches that incorporate health data and information from more than one source, such as diagnostic images and links to full-text articles or genome sequence data linked to a family health history. An application should be centered on the problem area being addressed and the intended audience, propose a possible solution that employs novel data science or informatics, and undertake a pilot that will result in evidence of the degree of success and/or needed next steps.
Funding Type: Grant
Award Budget: Up to $250,000 direct costs may be requested in any single year.
Award Project Period: The total project period may not exceed 4 years.
Number of Applications per Institution: 1
To Apply:
Submit the following (in ONE .pdf) to Limited_Submissions@unc.edu with the subject line: NIH Data Science Research Submission 2020 by 11:59PM, Monday, November 2, 2020.
- PI/ Team members NIH-formatted biosketch
- Project Summary (four-page maximum)
- List of potential collaborators (internal and external to UNC)
- Names (along with title, department, and email) of three internal (to UNC) experts who could speak knowledgeably about the candidate’s research and who could potentially serve on an internal review panel.
- Please do not include the names of faculty named on the project, chairs, deans, directors, direct reports, or others who have a conflict of interest
- Please notify all potential internal reviewers before submitting the pre-proposal packet to ORD
Full NIH solicitation: https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PAR-19-072.html#