IHQI invites applications for an Associate Director. Interested applicants should send a CV and Letter of Interest to Dr. Darren DeWalt by September 7, 2020.

The UNC Institute for Healthcare Quality Improvement (IHQI) invites applications for an Associate Director. The Associate Director serves as a faculty coach for Improvement Scholars and is a core member of IHQI’s faculty leadership.
IHQI’s mission is to catalyze healthcare improvement, spread and culture change by developing and mentoring clinical improvement leaders. Improvement Scholars is critical to achieving this mission.
Improvement Scholars is a structured, experiential learning program. Improvement Scholars learn clinical improvement leadership by proposing, designing and leading a project with guidance and support from IHQI.
The Associate Director will be an experienced clinical improvement leader and will mentor and coach in the following areas:
- Lean and IHI-QI
- Project Leadership
- Teamwork
- Partnering with Patients and Families
- Using Data for Improvement
- Presenting and Publishing Improvement Results
In addition to coaching Improvement Scholars projects, the Associate Director participates in program leadership and clinical quality improvement education. IHQI can provide some salary support for this position.
Interested applicants should send a CV and Letter of Interest to Dr. Darren DeWalt by September 7, 2020.
For more information about this opportunity, please contact Dr. DeWalt, Laura Brown (IHQI Exec Director) or one of IHQI’s Associate Directors: Dr. Jennifer Elston-Lafata, Dr. Shana Ratner, Dr. Amy Shaheen and Dr. Matt Nielsen.