The below clickable headlines link directly to outside media outlets, which featured UNC School of Medicine faculty during the past week, starting December 30, 2020.
Federal data shows Triangle counties ‘sustained hotspots’ for coronavirus – Dr. David Wohl (WRAL)
This Doctor Who Just Got the COVID-19 Vaccine Has a Message for Black and Latinx Patients – Dr. Alexa Mieses Malchuk (O Magazine)
Did ‘The Crown’ get it right? Eating disorder experts speak out about portrayal of bulimia – Dr. Cindy Bulik (Today)
States Are Shutting Down Prisons as Guards are Crippled By Covid-19 – Dr. Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein (New York Times)
When will the COVID-19 vaccine be ready for kids, and should they take it? – Dr. Peyton Thompson (WRAL)
UNC scientists produce images of COVID-19’s impact on lung cells – Dr. Camille Ehre (WTKR)