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February 3, 2022

UNC’s Cryo-EM Core facility develops new methodology for high-speed and high-resolution cryogenic electron microscopy technology

UNC researchers optimized the function of a microscope for cryogenic electron microscopy (CryoEM) to maximize the throughput and performance of the microscope housed in the UNC Chapel Hill Cryo-EM Core Facility. This method development is demonstrated successful for structural studies of GPCRs, a large group of signaling proteins that includes many therapeutic targets with unknown structures.

April 28, 2021

NC State ASSIST and UNC Translational Research Collaborations RFA

UNC's NC TraCS and the Center for Advanced Self-powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) at NC State is seeking highly innovative proposals that address high-impact unmet clinical needs using NC State’s ASSIST-developed technologies. The goal of this Special Emphasis is to match UNC providers’ expertise of clinical challenges and unmet needs, with engineering faculty at ASSIST seeking to develop novel technology applications.