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Care Redesign – Neurology Grand Rounds


"Care Redesign: Understanding the goals and tools used by this new area across healthcare and UNC HCS" will be presented by Dr. Larry Marks and Ms. Cyndi Hall. In addition, Jessica Werdel, MSN, ACNP-BC will present "Choosing Wisely in the Neuro ICU."

Burroughs Wellcome Fund Seminar at UNC

Louis Muglia, M.D., Ph.D., President and CEO of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund will present a virtual seminar at UNC at 10:30am on November 12th.

Immunotherapy and Cancer Research – The Biology of Cancer

Please join the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network for The Biology of Cancer with Jonathan S. Serody, MD. Immunotherapy has revolutionized the treatment of patients with cancer. There are now several different approaches that either activate a person’s immune system to kill their tumor or infuse immune cells or proteins that directly kill tumor cells. This lecture will highlight these new approaches to treat patients with tumor emphasizing the ability to use these therapies for multiple different cancers even when those have spread outside of the tumor site. Finally, we will discuss the paucity of individuals of color in the approval trials for these therapies and current approaches to understand this reluctance and whether these therapies are as effective to treat cancer in that group of individuals.

TraCS Professional Development: Finding Funding

This Professional Development seminar is great for research professionals, graduate students, postdocs and early stage faculty researchers. It covers foundational skills useful for career development in clinical/translational research. The first module of this seminar is titled Finding Funding and will equip attendees with knowledge of how to best find and apply for funding opportunities to … Read more

UNC CCSP/Palliative Care Grand Rounds

Please join the UNC Cancer Network for the Comprehensive Cancer Support Program/Palliative Care Grand Rounds with Ashley Allen, MD HPM Fellow.

Lymphoma Management in North Carolina: Updates for 2020 – Research to Practice (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)

Please join the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network for this Research to Practice lecture with Christopher Dittus, DO, MPH. Dr. Christopher Dittus from the UNC Lineberger Lymphoma group will describe relevant updates in systemic therapy for rare lymphomas for health care providers throughout the state of North Carolina. Additional topical management considerations or recommendations for this patient population may also be presented.

UNC and Duke Children’s Health Forum on COVID-19

Join UNC Children’s and Duke Children’s on Wednesday, November 18th, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM for a Children’s Health Forum on COVID-19. A wide range of topics will be discussed including available treatments and a Q&A segment. Please insert questions into the comment section of the Zoom webinar. The panel of experts include, Dr. Ibukun … Read more

NRP Education Session: Prevention of COVID-19

Join the NRP for their latest education session. Myron Cohen, MD will discuss the progress we have made during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the work we still have left to do.