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Please take a moment to nominate Undergraduate students, Graduate and Professional students, Faculty, PostDocs, and Staff who do good work for LGBTIQA+ people at Carolina.

Please take a moment to nominate Undergraduate students, Graduate and
Professional students, Faculty, PostDocs, and Staff who do good work for
LGBTIQA+ people at Carolina.

This award recognizes contributions to or advocacy on behalf of LGBTIQA+

communities at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Individuals

who have contributed in one or more of the following ways are eligible for


* Elevated the status of LGBTIQ-identified persons and/or allies;

* Helped to improve campus or community policies affecting

LGBTIQ-identified persons;

* Enhanced visibility and awareness of LGBTIQ issues.

We are particularly interested in work done from an intersectional

framework, meaning that it accounted for the fact that people experience

the world in very different ways depending on the constellation of

societally privileged and marginalized identities they hold.

Nominations close at 11:59pm on Wednesday, April 15th, 2020.

LGBTIQA+ Advocacy Awards Nomination Form