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On Jan. 30, at approximately 4 p.m., ISD will begin the process of switching to a common email address format for all UNC Hospitals and UNC Faculty Physicians co-workers – the new email address format is “”

This change will happen at once for all UNC Hospitals/UNC Faculty Physicians co-workers.

Once the conversion to this new address is complete, you will see the new “” address in the “From” address on all outgoing emails.

All co-workers will continue to receive email addressed to current email addresses (,, etc.). ISD has no plans to eliminate these addresses and email will forward to your new address. However, new colleagues joining UNC Hospitals/UNC Faculty Physicians after moving forward in 2014 will only receive an “” email address.

Also note that this change does not affect UNC School of Medicine email addresses.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Will this new email address change my UNC Health Care domain account?
    No. You will still login to email/LMS/Citrix and other applications using the same account credentials you use today.
  • Will this change delete email that is in my inbox at the time of the transition?
    You will not lose any of your emails.
  • What happens if, after the transition, someone emails me to my “” address instead of the new address?
    You will continue to receive email sent to your current address (,, etc.).
  • Will I lose my contacts or personal groups in Outlook?
    All contact lists, saved mail and personal groups created in Microsoft Outlook will still be available. Your contacts will keep all current addresses (,, etc.), but remember that these addresses will all forward to the new “” addresses.
  • How will this change impact distribution lists?
    This change should not impact distribution lists as current email addresses on distribution lists will forward to the new “” addresses.
  • How will this change impact Listservs?
    You will continue to receive emails from any subscribed listservs. The only people who will need to unsubscribe/re-subscribe with the new “” address are those who send/post messages to a listserv.
  • How will this change affect mobile devices (iPads/iPhones, Android, etc.)?
    For mobile devices using ActiveSync (iPads, iPhones, Android, Windows Mobile), setup will need to be modified for the new “” email address (to avoid receiving duplicate emails when using “Reply to All”).SmartPhones (iPhone, Android, and Windows) will require a simple configuration change to point to the new mail server but will otherwise work as they do now. Please read this documentation provided by ISD to help everyone complete iPhone and Android setup for the new “” email address.
  • What if I have the same name as one of my colleagues?
    For co-workers with the same name, ISD will automatically add a number at the end of each duplicate address (e.g.,
  • What if I do not use my full given first name?
    All co-workers will automatically receive a address during the transition. If you wish to request a different first name for your email (e.g. instead of, visit the new HEAT Cloud tool, click on “Service Catalog,” and complete the “Email Address Change (alias) Request” form.
  • How will this change impact generic email addresses?
    This change will not affect generic inboxes. Current addresses (i.e. will continue working and following the new format, the new email address will be
  • What about email signatures?
    ISD and Public Affairs & Marketing are establishing a recommended signature that includes guidelines and the steps for setting up your signature block in Microsoft Outlook.
  • Will I need to add an email disclaimer at the bottom of the new address?
    No. A new, short disclaimer will be automatically added to the end of each email message sent to someone outside the UNC Health Care email system. See the text below. There is no need to include this text as part of your email signature block. You also should remove any security disclaimers you have personally included in your signature block.

    • “The information contained in (or attached to) this electronic message may be legally privileged and/or confidential information. If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the message.”
  • Will other UNC Health Care locations change their email addresses as well?
    ISD plans to bring all UNC Health Care locations under the new email format, but that will not happen until later in 2014 and beyond.


If you wish to request a change in the “firstname” portion of your new email (ex. – from “Zachary” to “Zach”), visit the new HEAT Cloud tool (see below), click on “Service Catalog,” and complete the “Email Address Change (alias) Request” form.