The UNC School of Medicine Academy of Educators (AOE) is soliciting nominations for this year’s Teaching Awards. Submit a nomination for an outstanding faculty member by Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 11:59 PM. Nominees do not have to be members of the Academy.

The Academy of Educators (AOE), located in the Office of Faculty Affairs and Leadership Development, encourages faculty, residents, and students to submit a nomination for an outstanding faculty member by Thursday, March 18, 2021 at 11:59 PM.
Note that the AOE has revised the Teaching Awards to be equally inclusive of both UME and GME educators.
To nominate a faculty member, please provide a brief rationale for why you think that faculty member should be recognized and submit it via our website in the “Nomination Letter” section prior to Thursday, March 18th. Nominees do not have to be members of the Academy.
Complete packets will include: 1) the online application, 2) SOM formatted Curriculum Vitae (CV), 3) a personal statement, and 4) (1) One-page letter of support from AHEC Liaison, Department Chair, or Division Chief.
Teaching Award recipients will be honored at this year’s Alan W. Cross Evening of Scholarship on Thursday, May 20, 2021 online via Zoom, sponsored by the Academy of Educators.
If there are any questions, contact Brent Senior, MD, FACS, FARS ( or Judson MacDonald, MA (AOE Coordinator –
We look forward to your nominations!