Applications are due by May 11.
The Academy of Educators is seeking two new AOE members to serve on its Leadership Council from 2023-2025.
Responsibilities and opportunities over the two-year term will include:
- Serving on AOE Leadership Council, including attending monthly meetings, providing input and completing assigned tasks
- Serving on one subcommittee (programs, events or scholarship), including attending monthly meetings, providing input and completing assigned tasks
- In the first year of the term, delivering one educational session to AOE membership on a chosen topic
- In the second year of the term, establishing/planning new initiative and/or assisting the director of one AOE existing program
Eligibility criteria include:
- Faculty appointment at the UNC SOM central campus (there will be a separate process for branch campus LC members)
- Current and active AOE membership
- Applications will be reviewed using a predefined rubric and discussed by the current AOE Leadership Council
Application Materials:
- CV with educational experience highlighted
- Two short responses (each ≤ 300 words)
- Why are you applying to the AOE Leadership Council?
- What is one idea that you think would benefit the AOE? How would you implement and evaluate this initiative?
- List of AOE events attended over the past two years
- (Optional) letters of support from those who can speak to educational and leadership skills
There will be a small stipend available for those selected for the role.
Applications are due by May 11.
Questions should be directed to Eric Zwemer (