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Edwin Kim, MD, MS

October 21, 2024

Are Biologics the Future of Food Allergy Treatment? One Study Weighs Pros and Cons

Publishing in Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, UNC School of Medicine researchers delve into the perspectives of community and academic providers on the role of biologics and food allergy. This study was led by co-authors Edwin Kim, MD, Division Chief of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, and Jill Fisher, PhD, professor in the UNC Department of Social Medicine and Center for Bioethics.

Drs. Jordan & Rao

July 3, 2024

Disinterest in Pediatric Care? Jordan and Rao Pen Perspective Piece on Pediatric Workforce Decline

This year’s match results show that only 91.8% of pediatric residency slots were successfully filled by programs compared to a higher percentage in years past. This ongoing outcome has many physicians in the field worried about the declining interest in pediatric subspecialties. Katherine Jordan, MD, and Priyanka Rao, MD, at the UNC School of Medicine wrote a JAMA perspective piece asking, “Where are all the pediatricians?”