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January 26, 2022

University Libraries to Cover Open Access Fees for Carolina Authors in PLOS journals

UNC-Chapel Hill researchers publishing in journals from PLOS will no longer need to pay article processing charges. The waiver is thanks to the University Libraries’ participation in several PLOS publishing partnerships. The agreements pilot various ways for institutions to reduce the fee burden for open access publishing and to increase the amount of high-quality peer-reviewed research in open circulation.

January 26, 2022

TraCS Team Science Accepting Submissions for ACTeR Program Phase 2

TraCS Team Science is seeking to assist UNC researchers with the formation and development of multidisciplinary research teams focused on tackling challenging problems in clinical or translational medicine through the new ACTeR program. Phase 2 provides up to $50,000 and up to 0.5 FTE Project Manager support for up to 12 months to support the generation of preliminary data and grant application preparation. Submissions are due March 16, 2022.