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July 16, 2024

Vielot Receives K01 Grant to Reduce HPV Vaccination Disparities

Nadja Vielot, PhD, was recently awarded a four-year K01 grant totaling over $620K by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The grant, "Developing and piloting an intervention to reduce human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination disparities in rural adolescents," aims to improve HPV vaccination rates in rural North Carolinians to reduce the drastic urban-rural disparities in HPV cancer incidence and mortality.

July 12, 2023

Partnership with Piedmont Health Services Aims to Address Maternal Mortality Crisis

The project will focus on workflows to increase the timeliness and comprehensiveness of postpartum care, a virtual maternal-fetal medicine specialty consultation service including e-consult and telehealth capability for women with high-risk conditions served at rural community health centers, and support for community doula training and the development of a community doula collaborative in rural Chatham County.