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Cardiovascular Grand Rounds

Justin Vandermolen, MD, UNC Cardiology Fellow, will present "Cardiovascular Disease and HIV Infection: Are We Doing Enough?"

Biostatistics Seminar Series – Bayesian Clinical Trial Design


The NC TraCS Biostatistics Seminar Series provides more in-depth discussion of select biostatistical topics for clinical and translational researchers who have basic quantitative training in biostatistical methods. Join us this fall for seminars on data visualization & statistical graphics, power analysis & sample size planning, and Bayesian clinical trial design.


Socioeconomic Disparities in Health: Costs of Upward Mobility?

Carolina Consortium on Human Development Cairns Capstone Lecture
Dr. Edith Chen will present "Socioeconomic Disparities in Health: Costs of Upward Mobility?" as part of our series on Innovative Methodologies in Developmental Science in Diverse and Vulnerable Populations on Monday, November 9th from 2pm-315pm at

Children’s Research Institute Seminar Series: “Updates on COVID-19 Research in Pediatrics”

Please join us for November's Children’s Research Institute Seminar. We will be hosting a panel discussion on COVID-19 research ongoing in Pediatrics. Our panelists will be Stephanie Schwartz, MD; Peyton Thompson, MD, MSCR; Tracie Walker, MD; Zachary Willis, MD, MPH; and Eveline Wu, MD. They will each give a short presentation highlighting their current clinical … Read more

The Aging Cancer Patient Population in North Carolina

Please join the UNC Lineberger Cancer Network for this Patient Centered Care lecture with Hyman B. Muss, MD. Dr. Hyman Muss will discuss recommendations related to specific needs of older patients with cancer. Updates will be presented regarding the implementation of the geriatric assessment into routine cancer care, as well as management strategies that are identified based on the results of the geriatric assessment.