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May 24, 2021

Complete the Mentoring Climate Survey Today! Survey Closes Friday, May 28!

Targeting Equity in Access to Mentoring (TEAM) ADVANCE invites faculty (fixed-term, tenure-track, and tenured) to complete our Spring 2021 Mentoring Climate Survey. The survey closes Friday, May 28, 2021. The Mentoring Climate Survey is a longitudinal study distributed twice per year. Faculty should complete it whether they participated in past semesters. To complete: look for reminder emails from TEAM ADVANCE with instructions and survey link (faculty may need to check SPAM/Other folders).

May 13, 2021

UNC-Chapel Hill COVID-19 Research Output & Collaboration Analysis

Research contributing to discoveries associated with COVID-19 has been growing on the UNC campus over the past year. To help increase visibility of this integral research and illustrate the extensive organizational collaborations that help move UNC research forward, a team from University Libraries – Health Sciences Library analyzed the COVID-19 research output of UNC Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) researchers between January 2020 and April 2021.