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Mindful Parenting with Caroline Hexdall, Ph.D

Hosted by the UNC Program on Integrative Medicine Please visit our website, For questions, please call 919-966-8586 Email Mindful Parenting with Caroline Hexdall, Ph.D Hosted by the UNC Program on Integrative Medicine A unique hybrid opportunity, start your new year Mindfully! The UNC Mindfulness-based Program for Stress and Pain Management offers Mindful Parenting, a research-based program … Read more

2023 CIDD “VIRTUAL” COMMUNITY TALK SERIES PRESENTS: Leadership Training Opportunities for Young Adults and Adults with I/DD

In this talk you will learn about three leadership and advocacy training opportunities in North Carolina for disability advocates, and for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The speakers from each program will talk about their program format, who can attend, what they will learn, and how to participate.  This session is free and is … Read more

Children’s Research Institute “Blurred Lines: Developing a Framework to Treat Children with Rare and Ultra-Rare Disease at the Intersection of Clinical Care and Research”

Dr. Jalazo is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Genetics and Metabolism. Her research efforts are focused on advancing novel therapeutics for pediatric rare diseases and genetic disorders, including lysosomal storage disorders. Please contact for Zoom details.

Tal Einav, PhD | Faculty Candidate Seminar

Please join us for the last Faculty Candidate Seminar on Tuesday, February 14th at 4:00 PM in 1131 Bioinformatics. Tal Einav, Ph.D. from Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle will present talk title “Machine Learning the Rule of Antibody-Virus Interactions.” Dr. Tal Einav earned his PhD at Caltech with Dr. Rob Phillips, whose lab specializes in … Read more

MHI Seminar Series presents Sharon Gerecht, Ph.D., Paul M. Gross Distinguished Professor of Biomedical Engineering; Associate Dean for Research and Infrastructure, Pratt School of Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC

Summary of Seminar: Vascular differentiation and morphogenesis, and eventual homeostasis, occur in a complex and dynamic milieu. Two aspects of this microenvironment seem critical for blood vessel growth and stabilization: (i) the extracellular matrix, which provides critical support for vascular cell adhesion, proliferation, migration, and morphogenesis, and (ii) low oxygen concentrations (hypoxia), which is a … Read more

Oral Chemotherapy: Prescribing, Monitoring, and Safety – Advanced Practice Provider (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)

Advanced Practice Provider NCPD/CNE Live Webinar February 15 4:00–5:00 PM"4:00–5:00 PM" Aimee Faso, PharmD, CPP, BCOP Aimee Faso, PharmD, CPP, BCOP, will provide general information on oral chemotherapy to help providers understand the issues related to safe prescribing and use including monitoring, interactions, safe handling and adherence.

IPEP Case-Based Networking Event

200 Beard Hall (UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy)

Come network with students from other professions while working to complete an interdisciplinary case study!  This case-based networking event will give students the opportunity to work in small interprofessional groups and discuss ways to improve care for a pediatric patient with HIV. Check-in begins at 5:15, and students will be encouraged to join a table … Read more

Venous Thrombosis during Spaceflight – Insights and Future Directions 

Kerr 1001

In 2019, the first ever documented case of an active venous thrombosis was identified in a female astronaut during spaceflight in a mission on the International Space Station (ISS). The patient did not have any symptoms, and the thrombosis was accidentally discovered during a routine ultrasound examination. In order to treat this condition, NASA reached … Read more

2023 Zollicoffer Lecture

SAVE THE DATE On behalf of UNC School of Medicine & the Zollicoffer family, the Office of Scholastic Enrichment & Equity is excited to announce the return of the annual Zollicoffer Lecture!   Please mark your calendars for Friday, February 24, 2023. The lecture will be held at noon in 2204 MBRB. Registration is not required to attend the lecture.   This year … Read more

Cardiovascular Grand Rounds with Gaby Weissman, MD, Associate Professor at Georgetown University Medical Center

Dr. Weissman is an Associate Professor of Medicine and Radiology and the Program Director for the MedStar/Georgetown Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship. He is the director of Cardiac MRI at the MedStar Washington Hospital Center and directs the Cardiovascular MRI and CT corelab at the MedStar Health Research institute. Dr. Weissman's topic is "Cardiac CT in 2023: … Read more

WHMC February Seminar – “Industry Perspectives: Mentorship, R&D, and Advancements in Women’s Health”

The next Women's Health Multidisciplinary Consortium (WHMC) Hot Topics seminar will be Monday, February 27th at 12pm in McNider 321. The seminar will focus on "Industry Perspectives: Mentorship, R&D, and Advancements in Women's Health."  We have two excellent speakers, Soumya Benhabbour, Ph.D. and Shirley Paddock, R.PH., M.B.A,  who will provide insight on working at the forefront of advancement in women's … Read more