Week of Events
APT Guideline Refresher Town Hall: Assistant Professor, Fixed Term
APT Guideline Refresher Town Hall: Assistant Professor, Fixed Term
APT Guideline Refresher Town Hall on Assistant Professors, Fixed Term, with Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Kim Boggess and Vice Dean for Strategic Initiatives Cam Enarson https://zoom.us/j/95209726239?pwd=UGJ2NFhJc0xVZ3NNUS9jTnVZd284dz09 Meeting ID: 952 0972 6239 Passcode: 470723
APT Refresher Town Hall: Underrepresented Groups
APT Refresher Town Hall: Underrepresented Groups
APT Refresher Town Hall on Underrepresented Groups with Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Kim Boggess, Vice Dean for Strategic Initiatives Cam Enarson and Associate Dean for DEI Faculty Access and Success Kim Nichols https://zoom.us/j/94300779288?pwd=ekluRkl6WStXWmJNTlhuM2lTR2FUUT09 Meeting ID: 943 0077 9288 Passcode: 761968
Qualitative Research 101
Qualitative Research 101
This online training session will provide an introduction to qualitative research methods. Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences conducting qualitative research.
NRP: Step Into Your Moxie – Move People to Take Action
NRP: Step Into Your Moxie – Move People to Take Action
Cultivate the confidence, strategy, and communication skills to be dynamic persuasive communicators who more easily speak up for themselves, their ideas, and their companies. They develop the ability to manage fear and self-defeating thoughts connected to "going for the yes," and learn how to address other people's objections by staying flexible, listener-centered, and on message.
Machine Learning Tools & Precision Medicine in Clinical Research
Machine Learning Tools & Precision Medicine in Clinical Research
Clinicians and researchers will explore the use of machine learning tools and precision medicine techniques in clinical research. This session will feature an overview of machine learning tools in the field of precision medicine and address how they may be used to inform decision support for peripheral artery disease and rare genetic diseases.
MHI Seminar Series presents Karen L. Mohlke, Ph.D. Professor and Associate Chair for Research, Department of Genetics, UNC-Chapel Hill
MHI Seminar Series presents Karen L. Mohlke, Ph.D. Professor and Associate Chair for Research, Department of Genetics, UNC-Chapel Hill
Title Of Talk: “Genetic effects on gene expression and cardiometabolic traits” Summary of Seminar: Dr. Mohlke will describe genetic approaches to identify genes that influence cardiometabolic diseases and traits, such as obesity and high cholesterol levels. Starting with genome-wide studies of genetic variants associated with these traits, she will describe how genome-wide gene expression and … Read more
Sex and AYAs with Cancer: Mitigating Risk and Managing Sexual Dysfunction – Advanced Practice Provider (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)
Sex and AYAs with Cancer: Mitigating Risk and Managing Sexual Dysfunction – Advanced Practice Provider (UNC Lineberger Cancer Network)
Please join the UNCLCN for this Advanced Practice Provider lecture with Melissa Matson, MSN, RN, AGPCNP-BC. Wednesday, May 18, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM. More information and registration at unclcn.org/05182022.
From CRC to VP – A Professional Path
From CRC to VP – A Professional Path
Dr. Byrdsong will discuss how research staff can leverage the multi-faceted nature of clinical research to launch career development opportunities that contribute to either clinical research, industry, or academia at the highest level.
NRP: Creating Connections Workshop
NRP: Creating Connections Workshop
"Creating Connections: An Introduction to the Alda Method" is a two-hour live, online workshop designed to help scientists and researchers learn to engage and inspire diverse audiences through effective communication, with a particular focus on virtual interactions. Participants will learn how to balance being prepared with responding at the moment to address questions. The program emphasizes universal communication strategies, including avoiding jargon, and technical skills for creating engagement online, including camera angles and sound levels.
Touchpoint 20: One UNC Health is All of Us!
Touchpoint 20: One UNC Health is All of Us!
One UNC Health is the overarching strategic vision for our health care system, and it includes the important work happening across the School of Medicine. Please join us on May 20 at noon to learn more about how your work and your teams play a vital role in this system-wide effort.