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May 8, 2024

Judson, Durham Earn Autism Research Center Pilot Awards

The UNC Autism Research Center awarded two Kelley Altman Greer Family Autism Research Fund Pilot Awards to four UNC-Chapel Hill researchers, including cell biology researcher Matthew Judson, PhD, and biomedical engineering researcher Phillip Durham, PhD, at the UNC School of Medicine. The goal of this funding is to stimulate multidisciplinary collaborations in autism research among UNC faculty and incentivize researchers to generate pilot data for use in grants to the NIH and other external agencies.

April 4, 2024

The Mental Health Equity and Inclusion Program Engages with Medical Students at the Annual Medical Education Conference in New Orleans

One of the main priorities of the Mental Health Equity and Inclusion Program is to enlarge the number of qualified students interested in pursuing careers in psychiatry. As an intentional effort to accomplish this goal, the program engaged with medical students at a national conference interested in learning more about residency training at UNC, future career options in psychiatry, the Triangle as a place to live, and how they may become more engaged in the pursuit of mental health equity.