Hendrée Jones, PhD, senior advisor of the UNC Horizons Program, was recently elected as chair of the Women & Substance Use Disorders Special Interest Group for the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM).

Hendrée Jones, PhD, senior advisor of the UNC Horizons Program, was recently elected as chair of the Women & Substance Use Disorders Special Interest Group for the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), a medical society that encompasses thousands of physicians, clinicians, and related professionals who specialize in addiction medicine. The Women & Substance Use Disorders Special Interest Group strives to promote expertise and sensitivity to the varying life stages of women as they relate to the prevention, screening, and treatment of substance use disorders. Furthermore, the group places an emphasis on all reproductive stages of women and substance use disorders, including the antenatal, prenatal, and post-partum periods, as well as parenting.
The group has 2,508 members from across the country and Jones says she’s excited to continue to expand its reach to improve the health of women and birthing people with substance use disorders. Jones’ term runs from January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2026.