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September 3, 2020

Medicine’s Value-Based Action Group Introduces Specialized Inpatient Diabetes Management Services

Hospitalized patients with diabetes are dependent on hospital staff to monitor blood glucose, administer medications and deliver meals in a coordinated manner. Inconsistency in the timing of these tasks can increase the risk for hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. The UNC Department of Medicine’s Value Care Action Group (VCAG) has been working with the division of endocrinology and metabolism to improve glycemic control for hospitalized patients. New services recently introduced are ensuring the safety of patient care and decreasing the length of stay at UNC Medical Center.

September 3, 2020

Researching the impact of COVID-19 on families with autism

On Monday, March 16th, Clare Harrop, PhD, found out that her daughters' daycare was closing. As the full impact of state and national shutdowns hit her, Harrop began to lose sleep and feel a heightened sense of anxiety. At the same time, she was thinking of the many families she works with in her research studies. She recalls texting a colleague: If I'm feeling like this, how are parents of kids with autism feeling?