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Drs. Jordan & Rao

2 weeks ago

Disinterest in Pediatric Care? Jordan and Rao Pen Perspective Piece on Pediatric Workforce Decline

This year’s match results show that only 91.8% of pediatric residency slots were successfully filled by programs compared to a higher percentage in years past. This ongoing outcome has many physicians in the field worried about the declining interest in pediatric subspecialties. Katherine Jordan, MD, and Priyanka Rao, MD, at the UNC School of Medicine wrote a JAMA perspective piece asking, “Where are all the pediatricians?”

4 weeks ago

Research Reveals Most Effective Images for Cigar Health Warning Labels

The UNC Tobacco Prevention and Evaluation Program published a study about the effectiveness of pictorial health warning labels as proven tools for communicating the dangers of tobacco product use. The study, led by Sonia Clark, MHA, a social clinical research specialist in the UNC Department of Family Medicine, sought to identify the most effective types of images to pair with newly developed cigar health warning labels.

Cy and Kandis Fogleman

5 months ago

Medicine & Matrimony: Med Student Couple Shares Importance of Relationship & Goals in Becoming Physicians

Spending four hours in the chemistry lab as lab partners at Wake Forest University was when it all started. This Valentine’s Day, Cy and Kandis Fogleman, 4th-year medical students at the UNC School of Medicine, share how their relationship blossomed as they learned about each other’s love for rural medicine, discovered shared values, and pursued their personal and career goals.


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